I was caught up in the familiar cycle of working mom life. Always catering to everyone else first. A good mom, a good wife, a good friend. High expectations on all levels of my life from myself and others. But mostly from myself. I always felt I was lacking time for the things that light up my heart, that spark my creative energies, that make me feel deeply connected to myself and my purpose. Always too many to do lists, daily tasks, things I “should” be doing instead. Always running late, trying to catch up with time. It felt like I was being hustled through my own life, not the master (mistress) of it.
Until I stopped in my tracks and for the first time in my life invested in my inner growth. Big time - way out of my league. Growth pains and all. But I leaned in and did it anyway.
And I have never looked back. The coaching - and the training to become a coach myself - have been the most transformational years of my entire life. There is a deep power rising inside yourself when you are truly stepping up for your Self. Giving your body & your mind the clear message that you matter, your own health, your dreams, your needs, your desires matter just as much as everyone else's. That in itself is powerful & magic.
Being in a container with other women and having someone guiding me into the depth of all of my emotions, reflecting back to me, what I was unable to see for myself, is the most transformative and growth spurting process I have ever been to.
I came out the other side a new person. Not in the sense of my true personality & my gifts, but with a new sense of inner alignment. A regulated Nervous System that felt completely updated and brand new. A calm & clarity inside myself, that makes it easy for me to pursue my inner longing, be guided by my passion and built my own legacy in the world. Lot's of white space in my days to linger and enjoy the moment with my soul people, my kids, my partner and my friends. Time & clarity to see & enjoy all the little things in Life on a daily basis that give me a deep feeling of gratitude and of being ALIVE.
My mission: Helping you create a deeply rooted state of inner harmony, peace and connectioN in YOUR LIFE.
I deeply understand the tension that women all over the world find themselves in. Torn between making it right for everyone else and catering to their own needs, dreams & desires. I am here to be your guide home to yourself.
Transforming conflict inside of you into deep insight and understanding of the ways your body & mind communicate with each other and how it reflects in your outside world. Helping your realign yourself according to your inner guidance and your deepest dreams & desires. Finding peace within. In the midst of this wild and beautiful ride called life.
Mother of three beautiful teenagers, CEO of my transformational coaching and embodiment company and fellow woman.
In my work we will tap into a myriad of tools to work at the level of the physical body, conscious & subconscious mind and align your inner and outer worlds.
Bern, Switzerland
Manifesting Generator
Unbound by Kasia Urbanik
about me
Mom, Teacher, Coach